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We are providing all students free rental access to textbooks and course materials this semester! Students might still be required to purchase supplies.

: The textbooks used for these sections are available free of charge. Students may still be required to purchase supplies.
: The estimated course materials cost is $2 - $49.99
: The estimated course materials cost is $50 - $99.99
: The estimated course materials cost is $100 - $199.99
: The estimated course materials cost is $200 or more
  • Laboratory work to supplement ASTRON 150. Topics include telescopes, planetary motion, the Sun and stars, and cosmology. A one-evening lunar photography lab will be required.

    • Credit Type: Earned units for this course are applicable to an Associate Degree.
    • Transferability: Course credit transfers to both CSU and UC.
    • Corequisite: ASTRON 150 or ASTRON 150H.
    Ref# 0184
    Sec 30
    Units 1.00
    Avail 10
    Days ---W---
    Start 01/21/25, 12:00P
    End 05/22/25, 02:55P
    Room 249
    Instructor Adams,M